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*Indicates Graduate Student Author  ** Indicates Undergraduate Student Author

+Indicates Award Winning Presentation

Medina, S. **, Woodruff, M.,* & Weiss, R. (2024, August). Bilinguals working memory regarding age of acquisition [Poster presentation]. American Psychological Association Convention, Seattle, WA.

Betances, S.,* Weiss, R., Perez, Y.* & Martinez-Gomez, A., (2024, August). Formally trained interpreters perspectives on working with clinicians. Study one.  [Poster presentation]. American Psychological Association Convention, Seattle, WA.

Perez, Y.* Weiss, R., Betances, S.,* & Martinez-Gomez, A., (2024, August). Effectively communicating: Formally trained interpreters on mental health training needs. Study two. [Poster presentation]. American Psychological Association Convention, Seattle, WA.

Lee, J.,* Liang, C.,** Kim, S.** & Weiss, R. (2023, August). Asian Americans’ help-seeking patterns in response to COVID-19 racial discrimination [Poster presentation]. American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, DC.

Polinsky, A.,* Woodruff, M.* & Weiss, R. (2023, August). Linguistic impact on the use of Digit Span for performance validity in a sample of bilingual adults [Poster presentation]. American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, DC.

Castillo, L. *, Weiss, R., Woodruff, M.*, & Polinsky, A.* (2023, March). The original and revised Structured Interview of Reported Symptoms in a sample of bilingual individuals [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Philadelphia, PA.

Alarcon, L.**, Ceren, M.**, Woodruff, M.,* & Weiss, R. (2022, March). Assessing the impact of Matter of A-B- (2018) on asylum claims [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Denver, Colorado.

Arriaran, M. A..*, Chung, E.,* & Weiss, R. (2022, March). Inconsistent responding on the Triarchic Psychopathology Measure. Annual Meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Denver, Colorado.

Rosinski, A. *, Weiss, R. & Shiva, A. (2022, March). A comparison of simulated schizophrenia in experts and genuine schizophrenia in psychiatric patients [Paper presentation] Annual Meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Denver, Colorado.

Rani, S.,** Rosinski, A.*, & Weiss, R. (2018, August). Political engagement, concerns, and related emotional impact at a Minority-Serving Institution. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.


Aveson, O. *, Berenson, J., Simeone, S.*, & Weiss, R. (2018, March). Annual competency to stand trial evaluations: Revisiting a commonly cited estimate. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Memphis, TN.

Rosinski, A. *, & Weiss, R. (2018, March). Examining state statutes for definitions of intellectual disability in capital punishment cases. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Memphis, TN.

Galicia, B.,* Rosinski, A.* & Weiss, R. (2017, August). Analyzing ataque de nervios in an ethnically diverse student sample. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington DC.

+Harris, S.* & Weiss, R. (2017, March). Predictors of competency to stand trial referrals in an attorney sample. Paper to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Seattle, Washington.


*Indicates Graduate Student Author  ** Indicates Undergraduate Student Author

Harris, S.,** Castro-Mora, V.,** Istre, K.,** Lin, L.,** & Usma, V.**  (2015, April). The use of leading verbs and its effects on memory recall in sixth graders. Poster presented at John Jay Research & Creativity Week, New York, NY.

Johnson, C. ** (2015, April). The effects of family structure on the development of antisocial characteristics. Poster presented at John Jay Research & Creativity Week, New York, NY.

Levitz, A.**, Weiss, R., & Rosinski, A.* (2015, April). Measuring malingering: The effect of instruction on ability to feign. Poster presented at the 43rd Annual Hunter College Psychology Convention, New York, NY.


Li, Q.,** & Weiss, R. (2015, August). Cultural etiology of depression. Oral presentation at the 21th Annual University at Buffalo Undergraduate Research Conference, Buffalo, NY.


Rosinski, A. * & Weiss, R. (2015). Culturally specific symptoms of PTSD in an African sample. Poster presented at Hunter College 43rd Annual Psychology Convention, New York, NY.

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