How to become a part of the lab?
Undergraduate Students
Sophomores are encouraged to apply to the lab. However, more advanced undergraduate students may be considered (juniors and seniors). All John Jay undergraduate lab members must complete PSY 385 with Dr. Weiss. Moreover, lab members must work in the lab for at least one semester prior to signing up for PSY 385. Lab members are encouraged to continue with PSY 485 (independent research) although it is not required. Please note, if lab members wish to enroll in PSY 485, they must have completed a relevant literature review, methodology and have submitted an IRB PRIOR to the semester in which they register for PSY 485.
Masters Students
The lab is actively recruiting bilingual (Spanish/English) graduate students. Students in both MA programs at John Jay (Forensic Psychology or Forensic Mental Health) are eligible to join the lab. Lab members will receive training and supervision for commonly used forensic assessment measures. They are needed to administer these measures to bilingual (Spanish/English) and monolingual (Spanish only) research participants.
Masters students are expected to contribute 6-8 hours per week to the lab. They are asked to complete 2-3 evaluations per week. Students are not required to conduct independent research, although relevant research topics will be considered. Students on a thesis track (mentored by Dr. Weiss) must complete their literature review, receive IRB approval, and begin data collection PRIOR to the end of their first year. Students will create a timeline with Dr. Weiss regarding the completion of their thesis; students are responsible for adhering to that timeline.
Doctoral Students
Doctoral students must apply through the Graduate Center, City University of New York. Click here for more information.
Non-John Jay Students
Considered on a case-by-case basis.